Tech Tip: Email Version History with Laserfiche Workflow

Tech Tip: Email Version History with Laserfiche Workflow

Written by User Education

Published: December 27, 2013


Laserfiche Workflow makes collaboration even easier with the option to send version information in emails. New in Laserfiche Workflow 9.1, the Retrieve Version History activity lets you get the version information for a document, including version number, version creator, creation date, comments, and more. When a document changes, Laserfiche Workflow can email version information to employees so they can see the latest changes from their inbox.

Example: The Research and Development team collaborates on version-controlled project proposals. Every time team members add to or edit proposals in the Client or Web Access, they leave a version comment that summarizes their changes.

A short workflow automatically runs when a new version of the document is created. The Retrieve Version History activity gets the version information from the last five versions and makes it available as tokens.

The tokens can be used to populate an email with the relevant version details.

This workflow sends the team the following email:

When team members receive this email, they can see at a glance whether the changes affect their role in the project. The team leader especially appreciates this email because the Version History section lets her see who made each recent change.

To learn more about Laserfiche Workflow 9.1, see the online help files and sign up to take the What’s New in Workflow class (BPM104) at Empower 2014!

The User Education team at Laserfiche

User Education The User Education team at Laserfiche consists of the technical writers responsible for all Laserfiche software documentation, including help files, white papers, and instructional videos.

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