Tech Tip: Laserfiche Quick Fields 9.0 – Token Updates

Tech Tip: Laserfiche Quick Fields 9.0 – Token Updates

Written by User Education

Published: November 27, 2013


By: Misty Kalousek
Technical Writer

Laserfiche Quick Fields is an automated batch capture tool that lets you identify, extract information from, and automatically store documents in a repository. Quick Fields uses the power of tokens to turn manual data entry and storage into an instantaneous, automatic task. A token is a placeholder that is automatically replaced with actual values during processing. When configuring a session, tokens can be placed in the appropriate field, name, path, or identification condition. When the session runs, Quick Fields automatically replaces the tokens with the information from the document. Using tokens saves time and helps streamline business processes. Quick Fields 9.0 offers new tokens, token functions, and a Token Dialog box that lets you easily customize tokens.

New Tokens

Quick Fields 9.0 offers new standard tokens: Machine Name, Page Count, and Extension.

  • Machine Name will be replaced by the name of the machine on which Quick Fields is running. This token helps keep track of where documents are scanned from.
  • Page Count will be replaced by the number of pages in a document. This token is only available in Post-Processing because there, the document is complete and the total number of pages will be available. It can be used to number the pages of a document or in conjunction with the conditional process to do specific processing on the last page.
  • Extension will be replaced by the extension of the document being scanned (i.e., pdf, doc). This token can be used to separate documents with different extensions into different document classes.

Token Functions

The new token functions in Quick Fields allow you to perform pre-configured operations on specific token values. The result of the operation will replace that specific token value. Applying a token function will only change the value of the token in that one location. If you want all instances of a token value changed to be the result of a function, use Assign Token Value to create a token with the new value.

Example: If you have a multi-value token containing various numbers, and you want the Total field populated with the sum of all the values, you can add the Sum function to the token. Additionally, you can change the case of text, sort values, remove duplicate values, and more. To access token functions, right click the token and select Token Editor. You can also access token functions from the new Token Dialog.

Token Dialog

The new Token Dialog contains all the tokens in your session (standard tokens and those specific to the processes) and gives you the flexibility to customize them to meet your needs.

Example:  If you have a Name field that needs to be populated with a first and last name, capitalized, and followed by some static text, you could use the Token Dialog to do this. Next to the Name field, click the token button , select Token Dialog, and use the options provided to customize the token.

For more information, see the Tokens topic in the Quick Fields 9.0 online help files.

Learn more about this functionality in CC114: What’s New and What’s Next in Quick Fields and CC154: The Power of Tokens at Empower 2014.

User Education The User Education

User Education The User Education team at Laserfiche consists of the technical writers responsible for all Laserfiche software documentation, including help files, white papers, and instructional videos.

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